Dana Davis

The Benefits of Living Near the Ocean

The Benefits of Living Near the OceanI’m a Floridian. I’ve had access to the sights, sounds and activities of ocean-living since I was a child and it’s truly my “normal.” I’ve realized over the years how fortunate I am, as those of us who live on, or near, the ocean, are relatively few, compared to those who live inland.

Therefore, I know without a doubt that living on or near the ocean or, in my case, on the Intracoastal Waterway, is a spectacular lifestyle!

Read more, below, about the benefits of living near the ocean.

The Benefits of Living Near the Ocean

We all know that many people vacation on or near the beach. The notion of a beach vacation being good for your health isn’t new. In fact, doctors have been “prescribing” trips to the beach, and even seawater baths, for over 200 years! Only recently, however, have scientists began studying if the “beach remedy” really does benefit our health and well being.

Without going into the nitty gritty of scientific studies, a study in England that analyzed information from more than 48 MILLION people found that the nearer they lived to the coast, the more likely they were to report good health within the past year.

Do We Really Need a Scientific Study?

It’s interesting to show scientifically that living near the ocean can benefit your health. But, I don’t need a study to tell me that the feeling I get when I’m near the ocean is exhilarating, yet peaceful.

Experiencing the ocean with all my senses does something really extraordinary for me. I hear the calming rhythm of the waves and the happy calls of the seabirds. I see the gorgeous blue water and the whitecaps. I smell the salty air. I feel the ocean breeze.

In conclusion, living near the ocean just does something to me. And that something is very, very good. It clears my mind and removes any stress I’ve accumulated. In short, it makes me realize how good life is, and how truly grateful I am that I get to live in paradise.

If you don’t live in paradise yet, but would like to explore the possibilities, contact me. I’ll help you find a home so you can live in paradise, too. After all, there’s plenty to go around, and I’m happy to share it with you!

Dana Davis

Dana Davis Properties / DHR (Distinguished Homes Realty)








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